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Speaking of JESUS

Speaking of JESUS

Speaking of JESUS

Real people having a real conversation about Jesus. That’s it.

Lutheran Hour Ministries aims to inspire you to have more spiritual conversations in your home, digitally, and throughout your community.

We want to encourage you to invite Jesus into everyday conversations with dialogue centered around Christ and His relevance. Each episode features a discussion about a Bible excerpt, what it means to them, and how it applies to daily life.

This content was a limited series podcast. Access archived episodes below or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts!

Group chatting in studio

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Episode 20 | Speaking of Yes

December 08, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... God's Yes.

What’s the most significant yes you’ve ever received? A new offer on your house...a marriage proposal? Join us as we talk about God’s purpose and His resounding YES to you

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Episode 19 | Speaking of Self-Talk

December 01, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... Enough with the Self-Talk.

If people could hear your thoughts what would they learn about you? The one-sided conversation in your mind influence more than your words. This week we discuss self-talk and how it can shape your identity

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Episode 18 | Speaking of Love

November 24, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... Loved and Sent: God Is Love.

Do you love bacon? Do you love naps? Do you love your mom? The word love describes everything from fuzzy feelings to life-time commitments. Jeff Cloeter, author of the book Loved and Sent, joins in a conversation about (you guessed it) LOVE.

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Episode 17 | Speaking of Sacrifice

November 17, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... The Dawn Wall.

What kinds of sacrifices have you made? What have you given up for the sake of something or someone else? This week we’ll talk about Abraham, Isaac, and the altar of sacrifice.

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Episode 16 | Speaking of Downers

November 10, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... For Such a Downer.

Nothing takes the fun out of a party like a “Debbie Downer“. Sometimes we can ignore them, other times it’s not that easy. Join the conversation as we talk about Genesis 21, downers, and freedom.

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Episode 15 | Speaking of Strangers

November 03, 2019

The message that sparked the conversation ... Stranger Danger.

Can you trust a stranger? Abraham did and found himself in the presence of God. This week we tackle the story of Sodom’s destruction and how a stranger can change lives.

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Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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