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Speaking of JESUS

Speaking of JESUS


December 01, 2019: Episode 19 | Speaking of Self-Talk

The message that sparked the conversation ... Enough with the Self-Talk.

If people could hear your thoughts what would they learn about you? The one-sided conversation in your mind influence more than your words. This week we discuss self-talk and how it can shape your identity

Discussion Questions

  1. Introduce yourself with a 1-word description of your work experience.

  2. What experience do you have with "self-assessments" or "self-evaluation"?

  3. How does this compare to your "self-talk" (internal monologue)?

  4. How does your self-talk reflect (or shape) your sense of identity? (that is, "Who are you?")

  5. In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus tells a parable in which we overhear someone's self-talk. Listening to it, what stands out? Compare this to the "self-talk" in the Psalms (see Ps. 42:5, Ps. 103:1-5, Ps. 131).

  6. What do you get to know more deeply about Jesus through this parable?

  7. How is this good news for you?

  8. What do you want to say to people in your household, church, or community?

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