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Death... Then What?

By: Rev. Michael Newman

That we all die is pretty much agreed upon, it's what takes place two seconds later that makes us wonder. Explore this lively and completely relevant topic in Death ... Then What?

Softening death with euphemisms or denying its approach with cosmetic surgery doesn't change the fact it's there -- waiting for us all. Eating healthy, avoiding vices and exercising regularly are all touted as ways to get more mileage from our bodies. And while these practices may increase physical performance, they will not put the skids on our demise. Looking beyond our mortal lives here, man has formulated complex religions, philosophies and ideologies to attempt a glimpse behind the final curtain, dropping on each of us, when we close our eyes in this world for the last time.

Innovative as these systems of thought may be, they offer no solace against the perfect judgment of an omniscient and righteous God. That relief is available only through Jesus' redemptive work on the cross. In Him all the speculations of religious thought and baffling intricacies of philosophical inquiry come crumbling down. As God's creatures -- as sinners -- the end of our days is entirely in His hands. In this fact neither our clever wordplay nor our comedic explanations will do us any good, but only faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

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