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About the Author

Rev. Ken Klaus

With his signature, "Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed," the Rev. Ken Klaus, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, begins each program. Heard on more than 900 stations across North America as well as XM Satellite Radio, Itunes, and the American Forces Network, it's the longest-running Gospel outreach broadcast in the world.

Though known for his powerful sermons and unwavering commitment to advancing the Gospel, Pastor Klaus is no stranger to the written word-as is here evidenced in Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation-a Bible study that gets behind the imagery and unlocks this text's rich and dynamic message.

A native of Evergreen Park, Ill., Pastor Klaus served in pastoral roles in Texas, Minn., Ill., and S.D. previous to his appointment as Lutheran Hour Speaker. For his work among the Lakota Indians of S.D., he was given a Sioux name by the granddaughter of Chief Red Cloud. Along with being speaker for The Lutheran Hour, he serves as media spokesman, spiritual leader, and evangelist for the International Lutheran Laymen's League. He is also ministry emissary with The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church-Canada.

In recent months, Pastor Klaus has been on the LHM Men's NetWork where, as the butcher in "The Baloney Shop," he cuts through political, social, and pseudo-theological bunkum. He has also authored the "Ultralife" Bible Studies for young adults, sermons for "Concordia Pulpit Resources," two "Changeless Christ-Changing World" booklets, prayer books for military personnel and their families, and LHM's Daily Devotions.

Pastor Klaus holds a master of theology degree from Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Ill., and a bachelor of arts degree in pre-seminary studies from Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Ind. In December of 2005, he was awarded a doctor of divinity degree from Concordia University in Mequon, Wis.

Married for nearly 40 years to Pamela, a parochial school classmate, Pastor Klaus has three children: Kurt, a pastor; Kirsten, a school teacher; and Kristianna, an occupational therapist.

Bible Studies by Rev. Ken Klaus:
Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation
The Real St. Nick: Leader, Legend or Lie

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