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Many of LHM's ministry centers provide locally produced radio programming on topics of interest. These programs attract a wide variety of audiences and invite listeners to contact local ministry staff to receive resources that address the topic from a Christian perspective. They are also invited to take a Bible Correspondence Course and connect with a local Christian community.

God continues to bless LHM's radio broadcasts across Asia so more people can hear the Good News about Jesus. LHM—Thailand started a live radio program called "Women to Women" that airs every Saturday from 11 a.m. to noon on an FM station in Bangkok. The program is designed to reach a variety of listeners but focuses primarily on women and parents in the Bangkok metropolitan area and central Thailand. Each broadcast offers practical suggestions regarding life issues that are of special interest to listeners and incorporates an encouraging Bible-based, Gospel message. Listeners can call in with questions or comments so that LHM—Thailand staff can build ongoing relationships with them.

LHM—Cambodia launched a new live talk show called "The Light of Life" on an FM station in the Siem Reap Province. The program airs three days per week (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The station's signal covers five provinces in Cambodia to reach a potential audience of around one million people and share the hopeful message of the Gospel with them.

In addition to these new broadcasts, existing programming continues to share God's Word with people in other countries. "Time of Hope," a 15-minute program that airs each weekend in the Tamil language, has filled the hearts of thousands of listeners who are often facing hopeless situations in Sri Lanka with hope, peace, and joy. Kumar is a tailor who has continuously listened to LHM—Sri Lanka's radio programs for several years. He says he never misses a program since the messages and songs are such a blessing to him. One day he called LHM staff to request prayers, saying he had been facing several problems in his life and he needed relief. A staff member asked if they could refer Kumar to a local pastor who could visit him and pray with him. Kumar agreed and connected with the pastor. We pray that Kumar will continue to rely on his faith and that the radio program continues to give him peace.

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