E-mail Subscription Support
If you have a new e-mail address and would like to update our system, please click here!
If you are subscribed to our e-mail system and no longer receiving communications from us, it could be due to a spam blocker provided by your e-mail provider, which identifies certain messages as possible spam and prevents them from reaching your e-mail account. Ultimately, this serves you well, but valid messages like ours sometimes fall through the cracks. Because each e-mail provider has different criteria to identify possible spam, Lutheran Hour Ministries is currently unable to provide a solution from our end.
However, there are a couple of steps you can take ...
Reduce the risk of sending our e-mails to spam >>
read/hide text- Add lh_min@lhm.org and lhmlists@lhm.org to your e-mail address book. This may solve the problem, because when your e-mail provider sees the address in your address book, it assumes that you consider the sender to be a friend.
- If step #1 does not solve the problem after a few days, please contact your e-mail service provider and request that they allow e-mail messages that are sent by lh_min@lhm.org and lhmlists@lhm.org to be delivered to your account.
Gmail users: do you have tabs? >>
read/hide textThere's a chance some of our e-mails are hiding out in your Social, Promotions, or Updates tabs. Click the different tabs at the top of your inbox to see if our messages are being sent to one of those.
If you would like to learn more about Gmail and how to customize your tabbed inbox, please click here!
Other questions?
Call Us at 1-800-876-9880 (M-F 8am-5pm CST)