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E-mail Subscription Support

E-mail Subscription Support

  • If you have a new e-mail address and would like to update our system, please click here!

  • If you are subscribed to our e-mail system and no longer receiving communications from us, it could be due to a spam blocker provided by your e-mail provider, which identifies certain messages as possible spam and prevents them from reaching your e-mail account. Ultimately, this serves you well, but valid messages like ours sometimes fall through the cracks. Because each e-mail provider has different criteria to identify possible spam, Lutheran Hour Ministries is currently unable to provide a solution from our end.

    However, there are a couple of steps you can take ...

    Reduce the risk of sending our e-mails to spam >>
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    Gmail users: do you have tabs? >>
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    Other questions?
    Call Us at 1-800-876-9880 (M-F 8am-5pm CST)

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