For there is one God, and there is one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6
The quotation, which comes from the State of Washington, reads this way: "In the work that I do as attorney general, I really see the lowest of the low when it comes to scams. This one ranks right up there. It really is as low as you can get. All to make a buck."
And if you're wondering just what it is that can make a state's attorney general froth at the mouth this way, I can tell you: it is the Christian National Church. Now, please don't think this is just another case of the state persecuting a religious denomination. That is not the case. No, that is not the case at all.
Here's the story: the Christian National Church went on the web and offered to help people with their prayers. If you had a need, they were willing to "take it to the Lord in prayer." The website listed various pastors, their credentials, and endorsements from people who had received a powerful and positive answer to their petitions, which had gone through the clergy of the Christian National Church.
But there's more. The Church said, that for a small, regular cash fee, it could keep your prayers winging their way toward heaven and, most importantly, you, the petitioner, would get what you asked of the Lord.
Now comes the part that upset the attorney general -- and those who made their payments to the Christian National Church. There is no such church. It is a web-based organization run by a con-man named Benjamin Rogovy. And the praying pastors on the website? They're all fictitious, as are all the endorsements.
In spite of the church being fake from stem to stern, they still managed to collect a boodle of bucks. That's why, when the flimflam was exposed in court, the judge order Rogovy to pay back $7.8 million as retribution for false advertising claims.
Now most of you Daily Devotioners are probably saying to yourself, "Why do people give their money to such an organization? You don't need to have pastors, priests, or the Christian National Church help you with your prayers."
In saying that you would be right. People don't need assistance, but many times folks want some prayer support. Being humble in spirit, and feeling they don't have the proper words to get the Lord's attention or response, such folks often turn to someone whom they feel has better qualifications than they.
And that, my friends, is not a bad idea. In fact, going to someone with better qualifications is a great idea. This is precisely why we go to the one Mediator between sinful humankind and the perfect Triune God: the God-Man Jesus Christ. We know that He who gave His life for our salvation and forgiveness stands ready to intercede for those who call upon Him in the day of trouble (see Psalm 50:15). We go to Him because He is the One who can help.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, keep us away from the false and fake and let us look for assistance from our Savior, Mediator, and Lord: Jesus Christ. In His Name we pray. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 32-34 Luke 8:26-56
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