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LHM Resources for Men

LHM Resources for Men

Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School

Ever wondered if there was just a bit more to some of those lessons you learned in Sunday school? Well, we thought so too. Join Bruce Wurdeman as he takes you behind the scenes and uncovers "Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School."

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Episode 085: Three Strikes, You're Out!

2 Kings 17

Apr. 11, 2011

Assyria takes the mound and Israel is set down in order. Time to bring in the Samaritans.
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Episode 084: You Want Me to Marry a What?


Apr. 4, 2011

God asked some pretty strange things of His prophets. This one might just take the prize.
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Episode 083: The Unwelcomed Southerner


Mar. 28, 2011

He lays into the rich and calls women "cows." How long would he be welcome in your town?
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Episode 082: World's Worst Prophet?


Mar. 21, 2011

What prophet hates those to whom God sends him, announces their coming destruction, and then sits down to watch the fireworks?
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Episode 081: Didn't See That Coming

2 Kings 6-7

Mar. 14, 2011

Sometimes God's deliverance comes out of left field.
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Episode 080: Missionary Slave

2 Kings 5

Mar. 7, 2011

Captured as a child in an enemy raid, she became his slave. Why would she want to help him?
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Episode 079: God's New Starter

2 Kings 2

Feb. 28, 2011

It's time to replace Israel's lead prophet. What is God doing with that whirlwind and couple of angry bears?
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Episode 078: You're Going Where?

1 Kings 19

Feb. 21, 2011

Elijah - your God just won the Super Bowl. What are you going to do next?
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Episode 077: Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!

1 Kings 18

Feb. 14, 2011

In this corner, weighing in at 450 prophets- BAAL! In this corner, weighing in at just 1 prophet- YAHWEH!
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Episode 076: Being Bigger and Richer isn't Always Better

Which would you prefer? Sophistication and wealth with turmoil or poverty with stability?

Feb. 7, 2011

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Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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