LHM Ministry Response

Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) in Paraguay, known locally as, "Christ for All the Nations," opened its first ministry center in 2000.
Since Paraguay is such a remote area, LHM—Paraguay uses Bible Correspondence Courses to reach out with the Gospel to as many people as possible. In various communities, small groups of 12 to 30 people often gather to study the Bible and discuss how it relates to their lives.
Another way LHM—Paraguay distributes its message is over the radio. Programs such as "Enfoque" are being broadcast over four radio stations throughout the country, including the capital of Asuncin.
LHM—Paraguay ministry programs:
- 30 second Radio Spots
- 5 minute Radio program
- Text Messaging
- Booklets
- Bible Correspondence Courses, including Children's Materials
- Seminars for Parents of School-Age Children
- Seminars for Community
- Project JOEL
- Small Group Ministry
- Equipping the Saints Workshop
- Bible Schools