LHM Ministry Response

LHM–Nicaragua ministry center supports and strengthens the ministry of the Lutheran Synod of Nicaragua by reaching out to the unchurched and promoting Biblically-based values among children and youth; outreach programs include the following.
- In addition to airing a weekly Christian radio program over two popular FM radio stations, LHM—Nicaragua also broadcasts its "Radio Cristo Nica" programming on the Internet every day from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Beginning in 2017, LHM—Nicaragua has also promoted the digital outreach project in the Latin America region.
- LHM—Nicaragua recruits volunteers and provides Equipping the Saints workshops that train volunteers in effective witnessing. The center also holds a special annual "Bible Olympic" competition that helps people of all ages sharpen their knowledge and understanding of Scripture.
- LHM—Nicaragua offers Bible Correspondence Courses to introduce the Gospel to people who don't know Jesus and reinforce biblical principles for people who do.
- LHM—Nicaragua works with schools across Nicaragua to present Project JOEL, a biblically-based values education program that helps children, youth and young adults make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid addictive or destructive behaviors.
Support Gospel Outreach in Nicaragua
God works through LHM—Nicaragua ministry center to help people know and understand the teaching of salvation by grace alone through Jesus. Here are some examples of the ministry center impact:
- Partnering to expand the church. LHM—Nicaragua's work in communities to share Christ has helped the Lutheran Synod of Nicaragua build trust in the organization and work closely with it. Many of the Lutheran congregations were formed from the mission of LHM—Nicaragua with the "Ranchos" project. Together with Lutheran Church—Canada, we plan to support (come alongside) the church planting ministry of the LCC and the LCN in Managua with evangelistic outreach programs.
- Instilling values in young people. Thousands of children, teens and young adults across Nicaragua hear the Gospel as they learn solid values through Project JOEL workshops. Project JOEL has instilled trust in community and national leaders and has resulted in alliances with Nicaragua's Education Ministry and Police.
- Bottom line. Whether through radio broadcasts, digital outreach, printed booklets and Bible courses, personal witnessing by trained volunteers, Project JOEL values presentations, or special Christ-centered events, LHM—Nicaragua is presenting Jesus to their Nicaraguan neighbors, and Jesus is changing lives.
Simona's Story
The Liga de Amigos—Friend League—is a program that Lutheran Hour Ministries Nicaragua uses to provide social, emotional and spiritual support in both urban and rural communities. In each community, the ministry center recruits and trains local volunteers to serve as an ever-present Gospel witness.
The Liga de Amigos has served Simona's village for many years; in fact, she will tell you that her life changed when she met Christ through LHM's work in her community. Now Simona helps carry on that work! A proud and happy member of the Friend League herself, Simona is, in LHM Nicaragua Director Ricardo Arguello's words, "a very active volunteer who is always ready to support our ministry team when we visit her village.