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Global Ministries


LHM Ministry Response

Ministry in Ethiopia:
Named Berhan Media Ministry (BMM), the Lutheran Hour Ministry (LHM) center in Ethiopia was opened in the capital city Addis Ababa in December 1996. LHM—Ethiopia takes a creative approach to outreach and one the most effective tools is mass evangelization rallies. Literally thousands of people regularly attend these weekend events, and audiences are entertained by Christian films, music, and drama, which enhance the delivery of the Gospel. Videos and audiocassettes are also loaned to people locally.

LHM—Ethiopia conducts an extensive Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) program to help spread the Word of God throughout the country. Many people enroll after reading about the courses in local magazine and newspaper advertisements, as well as on posters and hearing about it from word-of-mouth. Most of the correspondents are unchurched or come from traditional religious backgrounds. Some are newly converted Christians who are interested in studying God's Word. Several LHM booklets are being translated into local languages. These booklets serve to support the BCC by addressing many of the questions triggered by these studies.

The Equipping the Saints (ETS) program has been widely successful in Ethiopia. LHM—Ethiopia partners with church congregations to organize these evangelism workshops. Selected church leaders participate in ETS, where they learn to minister to people in their communities on a personal level, and then follow-up in order to strengthen these connections. The participants can then teach members of their congregations to be effective witnesses to their neighbors.

LHM—Ethiopia ministry programs:
  • Email
  • Text Messaging
  • Booklets
  • Ads
  • Bible Correspondence Courses, including Youth and Children materials
  • Drama Group
  • Concerts
  • Film Showing
  • Youth Ministry
  • Women's Ministry - job skills
  • Small Group Ministry
  • Muslim Outreach
  • Equipping the Saints Workshop
  • Mental Rehab Center outreach

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