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Global Ministries


LHM Ministry Response

Ministry in Brazil:
The Lutheran Hour Ministries' center in Brazil is instrumental in the lives of Brazilians, especially those suffering from inequalities in social class, insufficient education, health care, and basic needs. Known locally as Cristo Para Todas as Nações (CPTN)—Brazil it shares the Gospel in a variety of culturally appropriate ways.

Outreach programs include the very successful "Five Minutes with Jesus" radio program that spreads the saving message of Jesus Christ to the most distant parts of the country, transforming thousands of lives. This is just one aspect of a coordinated outreach effort throughout the country that includes text messaging, podcasts, emails, smart phone messaging, print materials, Bible Correspondence Courses, and person-to-person evangelism.

CPTN's "Messages of Hope" voicemail service receives more than 10,000 calls every month. Each call is answered with a Gospel-based message with words of comfort, and hope in Jesus Christ.

Like every other LHM ministry center CPTN—Brazil trains and equips laypeople in our partner churches to share the Good News. This is vital in a country that has a such a large land mass and a population of almost 200 million people.

LHM—Brazil ministry programs:
  • 5 minute Radio Program
  • 30 second Radio Spots
  • Christmas/Easter TV programs
  • YouTube Videos
  • Email
  • Twitter
  • Digital Answering Machine
  • Booklets
  • Newspaper Ads
  • Bible Correspondence Courses
  • Rallies
  • Theater Group
  • "Music on the Road" Concerts
  • Film Showings
  • Christmas/Easter Specials
  • Neighborhood Outreach Program
  • Equipping the Saints Workshop

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