Lent Daily Devos
In Lamb of God, we have God’s Son come to earth as the eternal Word, Jesus Christ. Throughout John’s Gospel, Jesus is made known to us as both God and Man, full of grace and truth. He has come into the world to seek us out—you and me—to rescue us from the power of evil, and to make us His beloved children forever.
The Lutheran Hour® Tears of Hope Special
“Tears of Hope” is a special presentation of The Lutheran Hour®. The excitement and anticipation for the annual camping trip with Dad ends with a devastating turn of events. Broken and blaming himself, Luke questions how a good and gracious God could allow such tragedy to strike. An unexpected voice helps remind Luke of hope eternal.
The Lutheran Hour Holy Week Special
The Lutheran Hour Holy Week Special is two half-hour specials hosted by Lutheran Hour Speaker, Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler. The special includes a dramatic telling of the events of Holy week, discussion of the unique features of the account recorded in the book of Matthew as well as special seasonal hymns performed by Erin Bode.
The Lutheran Hour
The Lutheran Hour is the flagship radio program for Lutheran Hour Ministries. This 30-minute broadcast is the world's oldest continually broadcast Gospel radio program.
LHM Learn: The Marks of Love
We know Him by the nail marks in His hands and feet, the marks of a love so great it will not let us go, even if it costs Him His life. In this Spiritual Reflections course, we'll look at just a few examples of Jesus’ Marks of Love in the book of Mark.
Easter: An Empty Tomb
Death—no person has been wise, powerful, wealthy or influential enough to escape it. Why should we think Jesus of Nazareth would be any different?
Kid’s Booklet, The Easter Story
This Easter children story book is about Jesus’ life on earth. Watch Him as He enters Jerusalem, speaks with His disciples, is betrayed, arrested and, eventually, crucified.
Easter TV Specials
Lutheran Hour Ministries has produced several award-winning holiday specials, which aired on stations across the U.S. and Canada and were marketed under the name Envoy Productions.
Spanish Resources
Lent Daily Devos
En Morir para dar fruto nos encontramos con el Dios eterno que amó tanto a la humanidad, que envió a su Hijo Jesucristo al mundo para hacer posible nuestra reconciliación con el Dios Creador a través de su sacrificio, muerte y resurrección.
Kid’s Booklet, La historia de la Pascua (The Easter Story)
Este libro para niños acerca de la Pascua trata sobre los últimos días de Jesús en la tierra: cuando entra en Jerusalén, habla con sus discípulos, es traicionado, arrestado y, finalmente, crucificado.