John 14:15-17 - Jesus said to him, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you."
To all those who put their faith in Jesus, help is always on the way. In fact, help is always with you: the very Holy Spirit of God, Jesus' Gift to you for your comfort, for your encouragement, for your strength and fortitude in times of trouble. The Holy Spirit's job is to bring the things of Christ to you, to make them yours, to be the Giver of His life in your life. In fact, if you trust in Jesus today, if you believe in Him, that too is the power of the Spirit in your life.
If you want to know more about the Spirit's comfort and power, get to know Jesus by the power of His Spirit through God's Word and Sacraments, that is, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The Spirit's job is to take the things of Jesus and make them known to you (see 1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
It reminds me of the attitude of Tenzing Norgay. He was one of the first two men to reach the summit of Mount Everest. You might know the name of Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who made the climb, too. But Norgay not only made the climb, he saved Hillary's life on that climb as well.
It was May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand beekeeper/explorer, and his Sherpa guide from Nepal, Tenzing Norgay, reached the summit together, attaining instant international fame.
On the way down from the 29,000-foot peak, Hillary slipped and started to fall. As he was cascading to certain death, I'm sure he hoped that help would be on the way. But help was already there! Tenzing Norgay immediately dug in his ice axe and braced the rope linking them together, saving Hillary's life.
Once they arrived back at basecamp, the international press was on fire to hear about the Sherpa guide's heroic action. Through it all, Tenzing Norgay remained calm, very professional, very uncarried away by their astounding achievement. To those who shouted questions, he had one answer: "Mountain climbers always help each other."
Calming, steadying, completely dependable—like Hillary's Sherpa guide—we have One who is with us through all life's trials and rough spots: the Holy Spirit. He is not just help on the way; He is help now for all who trust in God's Son for their salvation—the only Way, the surest Truth, and the best Life possible: Jesus Christ. This Holy Guide, sent by the Father, comforts and strengthens Christ's people in faith towards God, and in fervent love towards our neighbors. Come Holy Spirit, bring us that confidence in Jesus!
WE PRAY: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for sending me the comfort that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit through the blessing of Your Word. Amen.
From "Help Is on the Way!" a devotional from Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour
Reflection Questions:
1. Have you ever attempted a difficult feat? How did you do?
2. Do you seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in your life?
3. Have you ever been a guide to someone else? In what way?
Today's Bible Readings: Song 1-3 Acts 6
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