Psalm 57:7 - My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!
Here in Madagascar, the word "steadfast" carries an additional meaning beyond being resolute, firm, or unwavering. It means the heart is overflowing. This brings a new dimension to being steadfast in praise.
A good example of this was during a recent Sunday worship service when the morning prayer was coming to a close. The whole congregation turned to the choir as they sang, "My heart is steadfast, O God!" The song was beautifully sung, and the message was pertinent to the day's service. And there were many who broke out in tears.
In these words we can imagine the joyous praise erupting from the mouths of these believers. It reveals hearts of hopeful faith in God's children. Like Psalm 150, Psalm 57 includes the use of harps and lyres. Here the psalmist makes a point of proclaiming to the world in song God's faithfulness and love. "I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to You among the nations. For Your steadfast love is great to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds" (Psalm 57:9-10).
When God's children enjoy peace in their fellowship with God, when they have seen the life of grace and mercy they have so freely received, when they rest in the everlasting victory that is theirs in Jesus Christ, then nothing can stop the praise that comes forth from their hearts.
As for the psalmist, he is steadfast because his trust is built firmly on the immovable foundation of God. Though he encounters "storms of destruction," "fiery beasts," and "the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords," he will take refuge in God's abundant mercy and protection (see Psalm 57:1, 4).
Around the world we know that God is at work in the lives of people everywhere. From our island nation in the Indian Ocean to countries east and west, God is changing people's hearts and lives by His Word of truth and by the moving of the Holy Spirit. And everywhere that God is transforming lives, people are praising Him for the mercy and forgiveness they have received through the blood of Jesus.
Psalm 57 ends in a fitting manner. The psalmist acknowledges that God is above all things. His glory extends over all the earth. It is He alone who deserves our steadfast praise and thankfulness. Whether we show this with songs and musical instruments or in quiet words of prayer, may God be exalted in our lives as we glorify Him for all He has done for us in Jesus.
THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, keep us steadfast in our love for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Taken from the message, "Being Steadfast," from a worker serving LHM-Madagascar
Reflection Questions:
1. What is something you are truly committed to doing beyond work or family?
2. How does God equip or fortify you to remain steadfast during difficult times?
3. Is your faith's expression something that someone else would consider steadfast?
Today's Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 7-9 1 Corinthians 7:20-40
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