But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
As near as I can tell, for both big and little kids, drones remain the toy of choice.
With a price point between "not bad" and "sell the farm," these little, ground-controlled flying machines are absolutely fascinating as they buzz through the sky taking photos and movies of that which is below.
Knowing her two grandchildren were intrigued by the flying machines, Candy Arthurs allowed them to help Kristopher Amos, a neighbor from down the street, find his lost drone. In fact, she joined the search herself.
It wasn't but a short ten minutes later that Arthurs heard a scream.
She ran to investigate and found Mr. Amos was preparing to molest her grandkids. Arthurs got between the kids and the knife-wielding man. Mr. Amos lunged and stabbed her in the heart. It was a wound that should have dropped her on the spot. It should have, but it didn't. Arthurs' work wasn't over. She herded her grandkids to safety.
It was only when Arthurs had the little ones in the safety and security of her home that she collapsed on the front step. She never recovered from her wounds and died some time later.
Over the years, Arthurs had often said that she was willing to die for her grandchildren should that day ever come. When that day came, she kept her promise and, without hesitation, laid down her life. In doing so she became a hero. She became a saint, a savior to her grandkids.
But I wonder would Arthurs have done the same for someone else's grandchildren? Would she have sacrificed herself for children who were "little terrors"?
Perhaps so, perhaps no.
It would take an extraordinary person to do something like that.
Which, of course, is what makes our Savior so extraordinary.
* Jesus came into this world not just to save Mary and Joseph.
* He didn't arrive just to rescue John the Baptist or His chosen disciples.
* Jesus walked among us not just to help Lazarus or Jairus' daughter or the man of Nain.
* Jesus' work wasn't confined to the single, grateful ex-leper or the woman rescued from stoning.
No, Jesus came into this world to throw a lifeline of forgiveness to King Herod and the conniving Pharisees. He walked among us as the Sacrifice that could cleanse Judas, Pontius Pilate, and the members of the Sanhedrin who sentenced Him to death. Jesus came for the men who lied about him and the one who nailed Him to the cross.
And, He came to seek and save the lost ... like us.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, without any merit or worthiness in me You came to earth and allowed Yourself to become the Sacrifice which saves us. For this undeserved gift, You shall always have our gratitude and praise. In Jesus' Name I pray it. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 28-29 1 Corinthians 15:29-58
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