Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the Lord! Isaiah 31:1
I recently read a quote about trust in this world. It went something like this:
* "Never trust anyone who says, 'Trust me!'" Or maybe in this political season, perhaps it's more like, "Never trust a politician who says, 'Trust me. I'll do what's best for you!'"
* Or, how about this, "Never trust someone who says, 'I will never tell anyone else.'"
* Here's some wisdom: Never trust a company or a person who says, "The check is in the mail."
* Or, never trust the owner of a growling dog who says, "Don't worry. He's never bitten anyone before."
* Or, never trust someone who says, "Don't worry. We'll never get caught."
* This one is often true. Ready? Never trust someone who says, "If you get this tab, I'll pay next time."
* And surely don't trust someone who says, "I can stop any time I want."
* Finally, never trust someone who says, "You can eat pizza for breakfast, Oreos for lunch, and Chinese food for dinner and maintain your girlish or boyish figure through it all."
The list can go on forever, can't it? In a world full of distrust, it seems like the biggest issue of all is "Who can you trust?" Now, that's a pretty pointed and timely question today, isn't it? If you can't trust in anyone or anything, this world can be a pretty dismal, even dangerous, place. But, as important as that question is in our sermon yesterday, there was an even bigger, more important, question. You see, the big point is not just about trust; it was, "In Whom can you and I put our hope?" That's right, in this life, for this life, and for life forever, it's not just about trust, namely, "Can I trust that this person will do what they say, etc.?" No, the question that God puts before us is "In Whom are you going to place your hope, even your dreams?" You see, hope implies trust. But, even more, hope implies that the person can really do what he or she says they can do. For that, God says, "Trust Me, trust in My Word, hope in Me!"
In our political season, the greatest temptation, I believe, is to place our hope in the things of this world, as if we or our leaders politically can solve the big problems in life: sin, death, evil, temptation, hatred, malice, vindictiveness, pride, arrogance. This list goes on and on too. And for these issues to be solved, overcome, or even endured, they must be brought not to the floor of the House, but to the foot of the cross of the Holy One of Israel, Jesus, who lived our life, yet died our death, to give us His eternal life as a gift. That's not just a "Can you trust Him?" question; that's a "You can put your hope in Him" proclamation -- one that changes your life forever.
If you are troubled by all the proposals and solutions that politicians are making to supposedly solve whatever is going on in the world, Isaiah reminds us that the temptation is as old as time. Then, and now, the only hope we have in this world is in the God who created us, who redeemed us, and who promises to give to us and all who believe, abundant life and salvation, now and forever! Trust that. Even more, put your hope in that as you go about your day today.
It's one thing you can always count on.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, there's going to be a lot of people telling us what to believe and what to trust in. You're the One who tells us to believe in You, trust in You, and hope in You. To that end, Lord, give us that kind of faith. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz
Speaker of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 20-22 1 Corinthians 14:1-20
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