Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The salvation story of Jesus Christ reaches around the world. So that the readers of our Daily Devotion may see the power of the Savior on a global scale, we have asked the volunteers of our international ministry centers to write our Sunday devotions. We pray that the Spirit may touch your day through their words.
In Christ, I remain, His servant and yours,
Kenneth R. Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
I was raised in a Christian home, but I was not familiar with Christian ministry.
I was always ministered to, and I was quite comfortable just receiving spiritual assistance from my mentors and preachers. Along with that, I had a negative attitude toward non-believers such as Muslims. In my heart I had written them off as disobedient people who deserved eternal punishment.
And -- I am embarrassed to say it -- I was shy about sharing my faith with others.
That all began to change when a friend told me about the Lutheran Hour Ministries center. At that time they were looking for volunteers. I applied as a volunteer and quickly was assigned a job.
The Lord touched me by bringing me to the center; it was a turnaround in my Christian walk.
Before too long I realized I had entered a brand new world where Christians offer their lives as a thanksgiving gift to the Lord. Here, the people were more concerned about giving to others than they were about receiving from them.
My service at the center involves sharing the Word of God with groups and individuals of many different ages. You should know at one time just the thought of sharing the Savior gave me goose bumps. I was so afraid of sharing the Gospel that I began convincing myself it was not my "calling."
Well, time taught me it is not only my responsibility, it is also a God-given opportunity.
An opportunity to serve the Savior: that was what got me out of my shell and allowed me to make use of the opportunities. It is also that which changed my attitude. Today I no longer look at the people of Islam only as people who are destined for eternal punishment; today I see them as people our Heavenly Father loves and longs to save.
But there's more. While in the field, I get to listen to people's pains and challenges as they come seeking prayer and guidance. As I see their desperate need for God's intervention, I am deeply moved.
Can I share with you that my lifestyle has also changed? Now I strive to live as an example to others. Being part of Lutheran Hour Ministries has brought more meaning to my life. I feel fulfilled as God gives me strength to serve Him daily as one of His actively witnessing Christians.
Understand, I know I have not reached the highest goal. My skills to share the Word of God are still being sharpened, but I am also glad to see how far He has brought me. I believe the reason for my presence here goes beyond just having a job. It is embedded in God's plan for others as well as me. Amen!
THE PRAYER: In Jesus' Name I pray that through this ministry all nations and kingdoms will know and confess Jesus Christ as their Savior and be established in the Word of God. God grant it be so. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Biography of Author: Prossy Nakintu is one of the Uganda office's ministry volunteers. She also works as an outreach liaison officer. She joined LHM-Uganda as a volunteer in August of 2014. Since then she has been involved in various ministry programs and activities, including film shows, Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC), Equipping the Saints (ETS) training, and others.
In this African nation of more than 37 million people, Lutheran Hour Ministries-Uganda, known locally as Lutheran Media Ministry, has connected with more than 250,000 individuals through print, broadcast, electronic and traditional media, which includes radio and television programming. This outreach has led to the formation of more than 100 Lutheran churches countrywide, working in partnership with area Lutheran churches. Further efforts include enrolling students in BCC (of which more than 130,000 have now participated), distributing Bibles and topical booklets, and launching a biblical values-based peer education program designed for secondary school students. The ETS program is utilized to help people with their biblical understanding and to strengthen their outreach to others. Beyond this, through puppet shows, and musical and dramatic performances, sizeable crowds of people -- both literate and illiterate -- have heard the Good News of Jesus as Lord and Savior.
You can check out LHM-Uganda's blog by clicking here.
To learn more about our International Ministries, click here or visit
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: 2 Samuel 1-2 Luke 24:36-53
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