Read Matthew 2:4-6. TEXT: (Micah wrote) "And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd My people Israel" (Matthew 2:6).
King Herod has no idea where the Christ Child is to be born. He is not even a Jew himself. He was appointed ruler over the Jews by the Roman Senate. So he summons the Jewish chief priests and scribes to learn where the Christ is to be born.
The aged king hears the Word of God, but he fails to notice the humble reign of Israel's new ruler-He comes as a shepherd. Though he hears the good news, he closes his mind to his gracious Lord and dwells instead on his dark, self-absorbed, paranoid thoughts.
Herod's subjects fear his rage and cruelty. Soon they will see yet one more evide
nce of what a deluded person does when he cuts himself off from his God and Savior. How different from the good and noble wise men who will bow in worship before the King of the Jews!
Each of us also finds ourselves in Herod's seat. Each of us must decide if we will submit our lives to our Shepherd King like the wise men or if we will arrogantly resist His humble coming, trying in vain to live life on our own terms. In his selfish blindness Herod's noble traits fell away one after another, until only a wretched shell of a man remained. He may refuse to bow to Jesus now, but soon he must come before His judgment seat.
It's a chilling picture of our future if we cast aside the Christ in cold, uncaring unbelief.
THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, forgive my selfish ambitions. Cleanse my heart and turn me to love and worship You as the wise men. Amen.
Today's Bible Readings: Genesis 7-9 Matthew 3
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