(Jesus said) "For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed Me." Matthew 25:35
Birmingham, Alabama, is known for many things, but snow storms are not on that list.
Still, about a month back, a snowstorm is what Birmingham, Alabama, got. According to forecasters, the day was supposed to produce a few flurries. Their prediction came true ... in spades. The flurries became a dusting, and then the dusting became a sloshy, snowy mess, which paralyzed traffic.
Looking out the window of his Chick-fil-A restaurant, owner Mark Meadows closed up shop and sent his staff home for the day. His people gladly left and then, sadly, came back. The roads had become so clogged with traffic they were unable to get home.
As a Christian man, Meadows felt sorry for the folks who were confined to their vehicles on the highway. That sympathy motivated him to fire up the restaurant's fryers and the ovens and make hundreds of Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Then, armed with these delectables, Meadows and his staff started walking among the gridlocked cars.
They offered food to everybody they could reach, and they did it for free.
There was no price gouging, no taking advantage of other people's misfortune, Meadows and his staff simply wanted to help. Indeed, when they were thanked for their generosity, they turned those words of gratitude around and gave thanks to the Lord for giving them the opportunity to help.
But free sandwiches are not the end of Meadows' snowstorm philanthropy.
Evening came and there was no respite for the motorists who had been stranded now for over seven hours. Meadows came back to them and invited the folks to the restaurant. There they could kick back, get warm, and sleep the night. For accommodations and the next day's breakfast, there was no charge. Chick-fil-A, a Christian-owned company, believes in practicing the "Golden Rule."
Now the amazing thing is this: the world has been amazed to hear this amazing story.
That's because they cannot comprehend that when someone really gets to know Jesus Christ as Savior, they are changed. Their thoughts, their minds, their actions are changed. These changed people wish to say and do that which brings glory to Jesus, who gave His life as their ransom.
Responding to Jesus Christ is why Meadows and his staff did what they did. It's why many, many Christians do much of what they do. They want to say, "Thank You!" to the Redeemer who gave His all, so they might have all and have it for eternity.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, this world is so filled with sin that its inhabitants have a difficult time understanding any person who does something caring for his neighbor in the Name of Christ. This is why, today, we ask that You let our actions glorify You and touch our neighbor. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Exodus 25-26 Mark 1:1-22
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