But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
Most of us have applied for a job at sometime or other in our lives. We did so because we were convinced our talents could handle the position. Of course, there are times when people are wrong in their estimation of themselves. How wrong can they be? "Very wrong" according to personnel directors, who have conducted interviews. Among the worst mistakes reported are
* an applicant who wore an old jogging suit to an interview for a job as a finance firm's vice-president;
* an applicant who offered to arm wrestle the interviewer for the job;
* an applicant who stopped the interview to call his analyst and discuss one of his answers;
* an applicant who ignored the "No Smoking" sign ... and twice lit the filter end of his cigarette;
* a bald applicant who excused himself in mid-interview, stepped out, and came back wearing a toupee.
As I read through the Bible, I don't see many people going to the Lord to apply for a position.
The patriarchs didn't beat out other applicants for the job. Moses tried to talk God out of picking him. A fair number of the prophets had to be drafted, and one -- Jonah -- tried to go AWOL.
In the New Testament, the Baptizer was picked before he was born and the disciples were individually invited by Jesus. As for Paul, he had to be struck blind on the Damascus Road, before he could see God was trying to change him and his job.
You know what is amazing about all this? Even though people don't apply to the Lord for positions, the Christian Church is still the biggest organization this world has ever seen.
That, my friends, can be directly credited to the Savior and the work He did when He walked among us. The truthfulness, effectiveness and completeness of His words and works have touched hundreds of millions. Since Pentecost the Holy Spirit has tapped individuals on the shoulder and said, "I can use you."
For 20 centuries He has picked pastors and selected laity to share the story of salvation. Because of us, or sometimes in spite of us, He continues to call souls from darkness to light, from doubt and disbelief to forgiveness and faith. His Word in our hearts, minds and lives ought to point others to our Savior.
No doubt the Lord has a direction for you. I pray you are following that direction. I pray so because you are the hands, hearts, words and witnesses He uses to share Scripture and point people to the cross and empty tomb.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, You know the job You would have me do. May I be a faithful and loyal servant, who always points people to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. In the Redeemer's Name I pray. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Daniel 3-4 Titus 2
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