For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
Much Appreciation to Rev. Kurt Klaus of Messiah, Mounds View, Minnesota, for suggesting this topic for today's Daily Devotion.
"She died for her."
No, I didn't get that previous line wrong. You see, that sentence isn't speaking about Jesus; its reference is made to a 32-year-old lady from Venus, Florida -- a mother who was known by the name of Heather Town. And the line ... the line was said by Heather's mother.
Before I go any further, you should know Heather is dead. She was killed when a tornado swept her home off its foundation and she, along with her daughter, were thrown into a woods that was 200 feet away.
When Heather was found, she was covered in debris and wrapped in barbed wire. In her arms, still alive, was her three-year-old girl.
That tornado could lift a home, throw an adult woman through the air, even take a mother's life, but it couldn't take that woman's child out of her arms.
Scripture tells us we are surrounded by evil forces -- forces so strong that, in comparison, a tornado would seem to be nothing more than a pleasant spring breeze. All these forces are aligned for the single purpose of stealing souls from the Lord. It is a purpose which has seen its share of successes.
Because these forces are so malevolent, many people could easily find themselves giving up and falling into hopeless despair.
Knowing that, the Holy Spirit inspired St. Paul to share with us the way it really is.
"Yes," Paul says, "there are forces of darkness aligned against us. Even so," he encouraged, "don't worry. The life, suffering, death, resurrection, and on-going presence of the risen Redeemer have changed things."
Paul continues: "Believers who are washed of their sins can be sure there is nothing in creation that can separate believers from the Savior's love."
Did you hear that? Nothing can separate us from the love which comes to us in Jesus.
Now I don't know what principalities or powers of darkness are floating around in your life. That's okay, I don't have to know. I don't have to know, as long as I'm sure you are holding on to God's great truth: nothing can separate you from the love of God which has come to sinners through the redemption begun and finished by the crucified and living Savior.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the forces of evil seem pretty impressive. Help me hold fast to the knowledge that You have achieved the ultimate victory over them. Now, in the battles which are before us, stand by our side and take us safely through them. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: 2 Kings 13-14 James 5
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