... And the servant said, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?" He said, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see." So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:15b-17
That text from 2 Kings tells of Elisha's servant who was not sure if the Lord was with them. He wasn't the first person to feel that way. He won't be the last.
For example, about 80 years ago, a poor, little, city boy heard his Sunday school teacher say, "Jesus is the light of the world." Not surprisingly, he took her remark literally. After class, the lad said to his teacher, "If Jesus really is the light of the world, I wish He'd come hang out in my alley. It's awful dark where I live."
The second story from about the same time tells of a farm boy who was carrying the kerosene lantern for his father. The boy told his father he was concerned because the lantern didn't show much of the path that was ahead of them. The father's answer is worth noting. He said, "Son, you're absolutely right. But as you keep walking you will find the light will always allow you to continue on."
Now those boys wanted to be assured and reassured. Like Elisha's servant, like us, those boys wanted to know they could count on the light and the blessings it brings, the security it provides. They wanted to be sure Jesus, the Light of the world, was with them -- and that He will be clear in giving them directions as to what they should do and how they should lead their lives.
If you have ever felt the way those lads did, I have good news for you. Jesus, the Light, is with you and He will give you that which you need to move forward.
Now I can't promise that you will, like Elisha's servant, have your eyes opened to see the spiritual forces the Lord has sent to protect you. Nor can I guarantee you will have your eyes opened, so you may see every angel assigned to your case.
What I can promise is this: Jesus, whose life of sacrifice has moved men and women of faith from spiritual darkness into God's gracious light, is not going to reverse Himself. His commitment and promise will always remain: He is with us until the very end of the age.
So, if the darkness seems to be encroaching, remember Jesus is always there to give us the light we need to live our lives, the light which is necessary so we may move forward -- but not so much that we move forward independently and without Him.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, during days and nights of darkness, help me see that You are there. Your love shown through the life, the sacrifice, the death and resurrection of Jesus will illuminate my path so I, in faith, may move forward. For this I am thankful. In Jesus' Name I am thankful. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Joshua 7-9 Luke 9:37-62
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