Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased. Luke 2:14
Christmas is over. Christmas has been over for a few days.
So, how does your house look? Are all the toys put away? Have all the bright wrapping papers been properly disposed of?
And how about the bows? Are you one of those folks who save bows? Are they bagged up and placed on a shelf awaiting the time when they will adorn a Christmas package next year?
Have your guests and visitors all gone home? Does their departure give you a few moments to kick back, put your feet up, and take a good, long nap? It’s quite possible you’re using the days after Christmas to get prepared for the marathon days of football, which are coming; maybe you’re laying a stock of supplies for the big New Year’s Eve party.
What I’m saying is, for many folks, Christmas is in the past, and the spirit of the holy day has long since departed. That’s certainly the case for Ethel Shannon McKinney of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Just a few days ago Ethel and her boyfriend got into an argument. It seems the boyfriend’s dog had damaged some of Ethel’s Christmas decorations.
Ethel got upset, took out a gun, and shot the guy. So much for “peace on earth, good will toward men” at Ethel’s house.
Truly, it is a sad thing when people remember Christ’s birthday and forget the reason why He was born. Although December 25th may be over, it is right and proper for Christ’s redeemed to remember the price He paid, the cross He carried, the death He endured. We need to remember these are God’s great gifts of grace, which should never be put on a shelf or forgotten.
This is why, on the 29th of December, I encourage you to join with the angels and say, “Glory to God in the highest.”
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, because You were born, lived, died, and rose for me, the grave’s stranglehold on my soul has been broken. Let the witness of my life and my death always proclaim my confidence in these blood-bought words: Because Christ has lived I shall live also. In Your Name. Amen.
And here’s a P.S. – While you’re making plans for the next few days, plan on watching the Rose Bowl Parade and seeing the Lutheran Hour Ministries’ float: “Joy to the World the Lord Has Come.” (The parade airs January 1st at 11 a.m. eastern time. You can see the parade on HGTV, which is Home and Garden Television.) Paid for by the work of thousands of volunteers, The Lutheran Hour® float serves as a Christian witness and reaches more than a billion viewers.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Nehemiah 12-13 Revelation 20
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