Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15
We live in an imitation world where $40,000 cars are lined with imitation wood, and supermarkets sell imitation margarine. The United States Humane Society announced they discovered a “real thing” being passed off as an imitation fur.
This calls for an explanation you might not like. The Humane Society announced they went to several upscale stores and purchased designer label coats trimmed with “fake fur.” After scientific testing, the organization found out the fake fur originated from the fur of domestic and wild dogs and wolves.
The reaction of the coat sellers varied. Some denied the charges, and others were shocked. Some pulled all the coats off their shelves. Nordstrom called their customers and offered them a return policy. The reaction of most distributors was proper and expedient, since intentionally importing or selling cat or dog fur is punishable by a $10,000 fine.
You should know I debated on whether I ought to build a devotion around this news item. The point is that it’s sad so many folks get outraged with anyone who abuses cats and dogs to make an unfair profit, while few folks are concerned when false prophets exploit Jesus. Jesus warned us to beware of those wolves dressed in sheepskins.
So, how can you beware of a “false prophet”? Answering these simple questions might help you. For example, does the person talk more about Jesus or himself? Do they speak of forgiveness through the Savior or manipulation of God’s grace? Do they preach more about heaven or your target your bank account? Such preachers may look good, sound good, and be accepted by millions, but wolves in sheep’s clothing look good, too.
There is one other point to this devotion. If you are a member of a church where Jesus the Savior is preached,eternal salvation is the subject of your pastor's every message, and the saving of souls is the most important thing your congregation does, thank God. You don’t have a pretend pastor and congregation, you have the real thing.
THE PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, for those faithful who proclaim Your salvation, I give thanks. For preachers who point people to the Savior, I’m thankful. I also ask that you will call false prophets to the truth and prevent any corrupt message from seducing souls away from salvation. In Your Son’s name I pray. Amen.
Today's Bible Readings: Leviticus 26-27 Mark 11:19-33
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