Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? Psalm 139:7
Nobody likes to go to jail. Brian Valetino is no exception to that rule.
Where Brian Valentino is exceptional is that he decided to do something about it. Last Thursday Brian was being taken to the Onondoga, New York County Jail. To escape “the big house”, Brian came up with a bold and risky plan, a strategy that called for courage, precise timing, and some degree of physical prowess. The odds of success were stacked against him, but Brian knew he had to try. Brian didn’t want to go to jail.
Things went amazingly well. First, Brian kicked out the back window of the police car. Then, even though he was handcuffed, Brian jumped through the hole. He hit the pavement running and didn’t stop until he found refuge. Brian smiled as he ran into a building, hurried down a hallway, and hid himself behind a door. There, Brian planned what he would do next.
He might have saved himself the trouble. There was one, very small, almost inconsequential problem. When Brian ran into the building, he didn’t see a big yellow star on the entrance. He didn’t know he had taken refuge in the headquarters of the county sheriff. Brian didn’t know there was a part-time deputy on duty who would think a snow-covered man in handcuffs was worthy of investigation. Nobody likes to go to jail, but Brian is going.
A silly story? Maybe, until you realize Brian, in his foolish attempt to escape judgment, is like much of humanity. He’s not much different than Adam and Eve who tried to hide in God’s garden. Nor is he unlike millions of people who foolishly believe they can escape the divinity by denying their sins, ignoring God’s law, and rejecting the Lord Himself. Some might admire these folks for their boldness and bravery, but they have less chance of escape than did Brian when he hid himself in the county jail.
Thankfully, we are not on our own. Jesus has cleared our names. Because of what the Savior has done, when believers appear before the judgment seat of God, they will hear His verdict: Innocent!
With the joyous knowledge that God’s grace had delivered him from judgment, King David wrote, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? ... If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me” (Psalm 139).
Nobody likes to go to jail; no one wants to go to hell. This day rejoice; because of Jesus, you don’t have to go.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I rejoice in Jesus, who has delivered me from death. May I share the joy of my deliverance with others who are still trying to hide from You. In the Savior’s Name. Amen.
Today's Bible Readings: Job 28-29 Matthew 13:1-30
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