Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
As presented on *The Lutheran Hour® by Dr. Dale A. Meyer, 1995
“No one comes to the Father except by Me,” Jesus said. “By Me” isn't Dale Meyer or any other minister. We try, on this program, to bring Christ to the nations, and we pray that God grant a great blessing to our efforts. That being so, this program is not the way to heaven.
“Me” is not the church. The church is God's appointed place where the Gospel of faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed. That makes the church necessary as we journey toward heaven. Even so, “by Me” does not refer to the church, but rather to the Lord of the church.
“Me” is not you and your strivings. What are you striving for? Is it better health? May you have it, but that won't bring you to heaven. Is it a better financial footing in this new year? May you achieve it, but that won't bring you to the Father. Is it improved family life? That's a great New Year's resolution to work and pray for, but even improved family life does not bring you to the Father.
“By Me” means Jesus, no one and nothing else. His death on the cross has forgiven your sins. His resurrection on Easter morning has assured you of eternal life. His Holy Spirit works through the Gospel to draw you to joys you can't imagine.
Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Lord Jesus, I completely trust You for my eternal hope. By You I am bound for heaven! Amen.
Taken from A Message of Hope: Proclaiming the Promise (selections from messages broadcast on *The Lutheran Hour, celebrating 75 years of proclaiming the promise).
Copyright © 2005 by Lutheran Hour Ministries
*The Lutheran Hour is the longest-running Christian radio broadcast in the world. It is a production of Lutheran Hour Ministries. For more information, visit
Today's Bible Readings: Malachi 1-2 Revelation 21
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