“What the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45
Elizabeth’s words affirmed the blessing of God through what the Lord would accomplish in Mary’s life. It is always a blessing when the Lord accomplishes His purposes in our lives.
It was now only nine days until Christmas, and Bill hadn’t done any Christmas shopping. That evening, he went to the mall. As he walked and looked at the people, the sermon from two Sundays ago came to mind. “Look and wonder if that person knows Jesus as Lord and Savior.” He wondered if they understood the real gift of Christmas—Jesus.
He saw people carrying bags filled with Christmas presents. He saw boxes wrapped in brightly colored paper. Bill thought about Christmases past. He remembered how the children were just as enthralled with the paper as the gift. He smiled and thought, “Maybe I should just buy boxes with pretty wrapping paper and put inside the message, ‘Jesus is your Gift from God.’”
He wished there was some way to gift-wrap Jesus, so Chuck would want to look inside. At first, the idea sounded ridiculous. Then, he thought maybe Chuck would look at Jesus if He were “wrapped” differently. He knew Chuck needed to see Jesus for the Lord’s will to be accomplished.
Bill left the mall without buying anything. Yet, he did leave with a gift-wrapping idea.
In order for God to accomplish His mission, people need to see Jesus. Are there different ways to “wrap” the message of the Gospel to reach new people for Christ? Do you need to try something new in your witness?
Pray for God to grant you ideas in your witness to others for the purpose of serving the Gospel and for His will to be accomplished.
Today's Bible Readings: Psalms 79-80 Revelation 7
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