Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Perhaps you've heard the expression "Good grief!" Strange expression, isn't it? The two words are opposites. How can there possibly be such a thing as good grief?
Grief is very much a part of life. Sooner or later we all experience it. For each of us there are "nights of weeping" -- times when we experience personal loss, professional setbacks, physical suffering, and other heartaches that cause grief.
Yet as Christians we know that grief is not permanent. Morning will follow the night of tears, and morning will bring rejoicing. That's what God has promised. Jesus promised comfort to those who mourn (Matthew 5:4). He also promised the blessings of hope, deliverance, courage, freedom, and a new day -- life everlasting where there will be no grief. These things are good indeed!
As painful as grief is, it can help us to recognize God's promises and to claim them for ourselves. When it does, the morning dawns. And with the morning comes joy -- a joy based on God's eternal love in the redeeming Christ, a joy that grief will never destroy. Thank God for the morning!
PRAYER: Lord, comfort us in times of grief and help us to see the joy You have promised to all those who believe in You. Amen.
(Taken from "Words of Promise," copyright 1996 (out of print), Concordia Publishing House. For information on other devotional materials, call 1-800-325-3040.)
Today's Bible Readings: 1 Chronicles 10-12 1 Corinthians 8
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