“The older son was in the field. When he came near the house he heard music.” (Luke 15:25)
You don’t have to make an excursion along backwoods country roads to hear “country music.” It is played everywhere, even in the cities -- “country music” lyrics with messages of love, hate, joy, sorrow, elation, and disappointment.
Joy and gratitude were mingled with resentment as music was being played at the country home of a man whose wayward, prodigal son had returned. The joy and gratitude were in the father’s heart, while anger and frustration smoldered in the heart of his older son.
Although we don’t always rejoice when the lost is found, Jesus does. His parables with a country setting bear this out. There was a party when a shepherd found his lost sheep. There was music and singing and dancing when the prodigal son returned.
God’s country music features a great love song, namely, that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son for its salvation.
Whether we live in the country or in the city, God’s great love song is meant for us. The theme of the country music that the prodigal son heard and that you and I may also hear is forgiveness.
PRAYER: Gracious God and Father, we are thankful that despite our sinfulness You have welcomed us home with the music of Your great love in Christ. Amen.
(Taken from “Our Journey with Jesus,” (out of print), copyright 1976, International Lutheran Laymen’s League.)
Today's Bible Readings: Psalms 104-105 1 Thessalonians 1
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