Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
After our new office phone system was installed, a representative from the company instructed us on the operation of the phones. In describing the "hold" button, she mentioned that when you are on hold, it sometimes seems like an eternity. And she is right!
When we are put on "hold," we fidget, we doodle, and we may pace--but mostly we wait.
Sometimes in life it seems that somebody pushes the "hold" button. We want to move ahead, but life is saying wait! We want all our questions answered, but life is saying not yet. We want our dreams fulfilled, our hopes realized, but for some reason they are not.
The question is "What shall we do when life puts us on "hold"? The answer is: "Hold on!" When we come to one of life's holding times, we shouldn't hang up; we should hang on. And we can hang on because of Jesus, who hung on the cross to enable us to know that even in the holding times of life, God is for us and not against us. Therefore, sooner or later the lines will click open, and life will go on. So, "hold on!" "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
PRAYER: Lord God, You whose love will not let us go, help us to hold on until help comes. For Jesus' sake we pray. Amen.
(Taken from "Words of Promise," copyright 1996, Concordia Publishing House (out of print). For information on other devotional materials, call 1-800-325-3040.)
Today's Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 24-27 Luke 23:1-25
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