Psalm 6:9 "The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer."
"Its always darkest before the dawn." The next week will prove to be very dark before the dawn of Easter. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday.
"How much longer, Lord?"
"Not too much longer."
But oh! What we've gone through to get to Easter: the sacrifice of God's Son, the depth of God's love that goes beyond the depths of our despair. Jesus' love is so deep and unfathomable that He takes our sin on Himself and pays the penalty for our sin.
Now you have a new life in Christ. For this the reason God hears and accepts our prayer. For this reason we pray "in Jesus' name." No matter what, God listens with a loving heart. This is Good News!
Throughout the busy-ness of Holy Week and all its services, don't forget to take time to pray, seeking God's love and mercy in His Holy Word.
Today's Bible Readings: Joshua 19-21 Luke 11:29-54
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