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LHM Outreach Workshops in Saint Louis

Visual Faith

Visual Faith - Linger Longer in the Word

April 26, 2020
Postponed - Date TBD 2:00-5:00pm
Lutheran Hour Ministries

Experts continue to warn about the negative long-term effects of technology for social development and education – but do we stop to consider the spiritual implications? And what about learning styles – do we consider them when teaching the faith? This session will explore why visual faith practices are essential for spiritual formation today and how adaptable they are to any personal or ministry situation. You will be equipped with ideas, resources, and vision for teaching students and families hands-on processes for prayerfully pressing into God’s Word in a meaningful, memorable, and shareable ways.

Pat Maier

Pat Maier

Connie Denninger

Connie Denninger

Dionne Lovstad-Jones

Dionne Lovstad-Jones

Marsha Baker

Marsha Baker

Visual Faith Ministries Founders, Pat Maier and Connie Denninger, will present two sessions; Prayer—How can Visual Faith Prayer Practices impact your devotional life? And Visual Faith: Who it’s really for, what it really is, and why it’s so important.

Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Regional Ministry Facilitator, Dionne Lovstad-Jones, will unpack the critical research available through the Barna partnership and walk you through the many resources LHM has to offer your Visual Faith Community and congregation—ways to equip you with knowledge and confidence to have more meaningful faith-sharing conversations with others.

Additional time with St. Louis area local, and Sketchnote artist Marsha Baker on "sermon sketchnoting" - beneficial for personal use & especially as a skill to encourage/teach in the classroom setting.

Please note this event's programming is for adults only.

Registration for this event is currently on hold.

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