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Voice Assistants

Voice Assistants

Voice Assistants

The new way to listen to your favorite Lutheran Hour Ministries podcast is on Amazon Alexa or Google Home. Just follow the easy to use instructions below and you'll be listening to inspirational messaging in no time!

Amazon Alexa
You can now stream LHM podcasts on your Amazon smart speakers like the Echo, Echo Dot, or any Alexa enabled device. Here are some examples of what you can say:

Alexa, play The Lutheran Hour Podcast

Alexa, play Daily Devotions podcast from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Add "Daily Devotions by LHM" to your flash briefing.
Open the Alexa app and tap More > Settings.
Scroll down to Alexa Preferences and select News, and then tap Flash Briefing.
Tap Add Content. Scroll through the options, or search for "Daily Devotions by LHM" and tap the feed you want to add, and then tap Enable to Use.

Google Home
If you own a Google Home, this accessibility applies to you as well! Just tell your Google Assistant:

Ok Google, play The Lutheran Hour Podcast

Ok Google, play Sentido Latino Podcast

Other Devices
Want to listen on your phone, TV, or other home device? Check out all the apps where you can access LHM programs and resources. Need help using any of the iHeartRadio applications? Check out the iHeartRadio Help Center.

Need help using any of the Spotify applications? Check out the Spotify Help Center.

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