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Bible Study : All videos

Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness (Complete with all 4 sessions)

By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies

Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness is a four-part Bible study looks at forgiveness. It considers how our first sin required God's pardon in order to re-establish the broken God-man relationship caused by our original rebellion. Along the way, it looks at how God works through the forgiveness we seek and offer in our lives, and it reminds us that where there is love mercy can triumph.

Forgiveness - Promo Video (1:24)  |  Session One: Practicing Forgiveness (12:49)  |  Session Two: Conditions of Forgiveness (14:25)  |  Session Three: Possibilities of Forgiveness (13:25)  |  Session Four: Seeking Forgiveness (13:30)  |  

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