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Bible Study : All videos

Warriors of Faith

By: Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel, Steven Hokana

(Includes subtitles in English) - Service members of the United States Armed Forces are met with challenges on and off the battlefield. Warriors of Faith -- Military Men, a Men's NetWork Bible study written especially for these servicemen and women, explores the issues of anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness and love, as they impact the lives of those who have served, or are now serving, their country.

Warriors - Special Message for Group Leaders (1:06)  |  Warriors of Faith - Promo Video (1:15)  |  Session 1 - Introduction (4:50)  |  Session 2 - Anger (7:30)  |  Session 3 - Guilt & Forgiveness (4:00)  |  Session 4 - Grief (5:50)  |  Session 5 - Love (7:50)  |  Those Who Serve - LCMS Video Special (15:13)  |  Why Operation Barnabas? (5:10)  |  

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