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Bible Study : All videos

He Who Dies With The Most Toys... Still Dies!

By: Rev. Tim Radkey

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Toys are the things that fill our lives. Most guys are pros in the fine art of stockpiling. Whether it's motorcycles or medals, our stuff isn't going with us when we finally "pack it up" on our last day, so getting our priorities right according to God's Word is good for us and our families.

Session 1 - Identity (5:30)  Session 2 - Significance (3:50)  |  Session 3 - Accomplishments (5:00)  |  Session 4 - Legacy (4:15)  |  Session 5 - Who'se Taking Care of Whose Stuff? (5:30)  |  

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Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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