Additional Resources for Regrets, Reality, Restoration
Use these additional resources to supplement your study on this topic. Because of the Internet's changing nature, a link may modify or get deleted. If you discover a bad link in the list below, please contact us!
Faith Family Reunion
Visit this website developed to help parents whose children have wandered from the faith. -
The Power of Absolution
This article shows that freedom from guilt and regret comes from God's word of forgiveness, not our confession. -
Dealing with Post-Absolution Guilt
Click here for practical advice to pastors whose members are struggling with guilt and regret that lingers beyond private confession and absolution.
Gone in Sixty Seconds
Nancy Derringer is the reporter who discovered Tim Goeglein's plagiarism and reported it on her blog. Here is her account of what she found and the remarkable flood of comments that drove Goeglein to resign. -
Q & A: Timothy Goeglein on Redemption After Plagiarism
In this Christianity Today article, Tim Goeglein discusses his fall from grace through plagiarism and the forgiveness of then-President George W. Bush that gave him a second chance. You may need to subscribe to read the whole article.
Tragic Redemption: Healing the Guilt and Shame by Hiram Johnson.
In this book, Hiram Johnson shares his painful struggle with regret, guilt, and shame when a 17-year-old girl was killed as the result of an automobile accident in which he was the driver. -
Find a Christian Counselor
If you are struggling with unresolved guilt and regret, you can find a Christian counselor near you by clicking here. -
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
This service helps individuals in suicidal crisis situations in the United States. -
This page lists a number of articles that discuss how to deal with various kinds of guilt and shame. -
Peace in a Prison Cell
Click here for a timeless reminder of God's care for remorseful souls who are forgotten by family, friends and society. -
5 Regrets of the Dying
Discover the five most common regrets expressed by dying people. -
"If Only..." Living with Regrets
Is it God's will for us to carry around regrets like ankle weights? -
Chaplain to Nazi War Criminals
Read about an LCMS chaplain's ministry to Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg trials. -
Chaplain to Nazi War Criminals--Audio
In this audio recording of a presentation to a congregation, Chaplain Gerecke shares his experiences.