Additional Resources for Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood
Use these additional resources to supplement your study on this topic. Because of the Internet's changing nature, a link may modify or get deleted. If you discover a bad link in the list below, please contact us!
Session 1 Outside of Genesis, Where Else Do We Find Noah in the Bible? 1 Chronicles 1:1-4
This lists the genealogy from Adam to Noah's sons. -
Isaiah 54:7-10
After pouring out His wrath on His rebellious people, God turns to them in mercy and love as He remembered Noah in the midst of the flood.
Ezekiel 14:12-23
In God's judgment, Noah's righteousness through faith could only save himself. -
Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah built the ark. -
1 Peter 3:18-22
Christ Jesus descended into hell to make proclamation to the souls who perished in the flood. -
2 Peter 2:4-10
God knows how to save the righteous while punishing unbelievers. -
The Bible Trumps Everything-Even Creation Science
This article explains the danger of clinging too tightly to models arising from creation science. It examines some early creation science models that have given way over the years and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current models describing the flood. -
This article briefly surveys some of the numerous flood accounts in ancient civilizations. -
Noah's Flood: The Gilgamesh Epic and Genesis
Some scholars argue Genesis borrowed its flood account from the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh. This article challenges that assertion and provides an alternate view. -
Living for 900 Years
Fascinating new information about how and why we age casts fresh light on the long lifespans of pre-flood people. -
Decreased Lifespans: Have We Been Looking in the Right Place?
This article looks at some possible reasons for the decrease in longevity after the flood. -
Meeting the Ancestors
This article shares a fascinating observation about the patriarchal lists of early Genesis. -
Extreme Aging
Tragically, some children age at tremendous rates, resulting in an average lifespan of 13 years.
Thinking Outside the Box
This webpage takes an in-depth look at the ark and how it safely brought Noah, his family, and all those animals through the flood's devastation. -
Hibernation, Migration, and the Ark
This article discusses attempts to find natural processes to explain how the animals came to the ark and how Noah cared for them there. -
Safety Investigation of Noah's Ark in a Seaway
In this detailed article a Korean firm studies the seaworthiness of the ark. -
Ancients Couldn't Have Built a Wooden Ship That Large, Could They?
This article discusses large ships built in antiquity to show that Noah could have built that large a ship. -
1. Could Noah's Ark Float Without Problems?
A mechanical engineer answers challenges about the seaworthiness of Noah's ark. -
2. Are Wooden Ships Reliable?
A mechanical engineer answers more challenges about the seaworthiness of Noah's ark. -
3. Was Noah's Ark Seaworthy, or Is That Impossible?
A mechanical engineer answers yet more challenges about the seaworthiness of Noah's ark. -
Has the Ark Been Found?
In 1960, articles came out reporting a pilot who sighted a boat-like shape on Lesser Mount Ararat. Was it the ark? -
Depicting the Ark
This article traces the different ways artists have rendered Noah's ark over the centuries. -
Is There a Link Between Noah's Flood and the Tower of Babel?
The famous Jewish historian Josephus offers a link between the flood and the Tower of Babel in his book The Antiquities of the Jews. -
Can the Ussher Chronology Be Trusted?
This link examines how Archbishop James Ussher calculated his controversial chronology, dating events from creation to the fall of Jerusalem. -
Where Does the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Stand on Creation and Evolution?
From the "What About" series.
Other Judgments of God in the Bible
Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 18:20-19:29 -
The Amalekites, 1 Samuel 15:1-3
The Sin of the Amalekites in Exodus 17:8-16
The Sin of the Amalekites in Deuteronomy 26:17-18
Deuteronomy 20:16-18: The Canaanites
Genesis 19:1-11
In the case of Sodom, Abraham's nephew Lot spoke to his neighbors in Sodom trying to dissuade them from their sin (Genesis 19:1-11). -
Genesis 18:23-32
God graciously promised to spare Sodom if ten believers could be found there (Genesis 18:23-32). -
Genesis 15:13-16
The Black Sea Flood
This article investigates claims from some scientists that a local Black Sea flood was Noah's flood in the Bible. -
Was Noah's Flood Local or Global?
This article explains problems with the view that the flood was local or regional in nature. -
Flood Models: The Need for an Integrated Approach
This article discusses various models that explain the source of the floodwaters, the pattern of sediment deposition, and dinosaur tracks. -
Drowned from Below
The Genesis account of the flood says "all the fountains of the great deep burst forth" (Genesis 7:11). Now scientists believe there is far more water beneath the earth's crust than in the oceans. -
Fountains of the Great Deep on Mars?
Some scientists think there may be vast stores of water underground on Mars. -
Did Meteors Trigger Noah's Flood?
This article considers the possibility that massive meteor strikes shattered the earth's crust into tectonic plates and triggered the fountains of the great deep to burst forth. -
Probing the Earth's Deep Places
Evidence for rapid plate tectonics. -
What Geologic Processes Were Operating During the Flood?
This article describes the fountains of the great deep, the motion of tectonic plates, and the effects of all that water on the earth.
After Devastation ... The Recovery
The rapid recovery of more than 200 square miles after the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens may tell us something about how the world rebounded after the flood. -
Mount St. Helens-Explosive Evidence for Creation
Findings at Mount St. Helens that may prove interesting for world regeneration after the flood. -
How Did Animals Get from the Ark to Places Such as Australia?
This article explores possible answers to how animals from the Ark reached isolated places such as Australia. -
Natural Rafts Carried Animals Around the Globe
Fishermen have logged instances of animals floating to new lands on natural rafts. Could this be part of the answer to animals repopulating the earth after the flood? -
Genesis and Catastrophe
This article discusses how the Genesis flood could have been the main mechanism for laying down the fossil record. -
New Evidence of Noah's Flood?
An international research team puzzle over a dinosaur find in Mexico. -
Is Hawaii Part of the Aftermath of the Flood?
How plate tectonics connected to the flood could have formed the Hawaiian Islands. -
The Mystery of Coal
Some mysteries in the formation of coal that challenge conventional notions. -
Did Natural Gas Take Millions of Years to Form?
This article describes experiments that show the production of natural gas and oil occurs very swiftly. -
Warped Earth
A discussion of how rocks could be folded without fracturing. -
A Receding Flood Scenario for the Origin of the Grand Canyon
Many creation scientists think the action of lakes left after the flood formed the Grand Canyon from east to west. This article proposes an alternate origin. -
The Yellowstone Petrified Forests-Evidence of Catastrophe?
This article discusses evolutionist and creationist views on the formation of the Yellowstone petrified forests, with insight from Mount St. Helens.