Additional Resources for Intersection of Church & State
Use these additional resources to supplement your study on this topic. Because of the Internet's changing nature, a link may modify or get deleted. If you discover a bad link in the list below, please contact us!
George Washington's Farewell Address
Thomas Jefferson's Danbury Baptist Letter
Ratifying the Constitution
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States
The Bill of Rights
German Peasants' War (1524-1525)
Battle of Kappel in Switzerland (1531)
Schmalkaldic War (1546-1547)
The German, Spanish Netherlands and French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)
Eighty Years' War (1568-1648) in the Low Countries
Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) Affecting the Holy Roman Empire
The Second Hundred Years' War (1689-1815)
English Reformation and Civil War
Irish Confederate Wars and the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland
The English Civil War
The Florida Massacre (French Huguenots in 1565)
Aboard the Mayflower
The First Thanksgiving - 1621
Religion in Colonial America
The Anglican Church in Virginia
The Church of England in Early America
Congregationalist Churches in Early America
Anti-Catholic Sentiment in Colonial America
Religion in Early Virginia
Everson v. Board of Education
Hugo Black discusses Jefferson's "wall of separation." -
William Rehnquist
William Rehnquist writes about Hugo Black's use of Jefferson's "wall of separation." -
Lynch v. Donnelly (1984)
May a municipality put a manger scene in the public square?
Hosanna Tabor case
Does a church have the right to employ whomever it wants? -
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Matthew Harrison Comments on Supreme Court's June 28, 2012 Ruling
The Necessary Service of Military Chaplains
Operation Barnabas
Civil Air Patrol Chaplains
Catholic Charities of St. Louis
LCMS World Relief and Human Care
Lutheran World Relief
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Survey
Gallup Poll - Most and Least Religious States in America
Daniel Dreisbach on Religion in America