Additional Resources for Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation
Use these additional resources to supplement your study on this topic. Because of the Internet's changing nature, a link may modify or get deleted. If you discover a bad link in the list below, please contact us!
by Dr. Louis A. Brighton (theologian version) -
by Dr. Louis A. Brighton (popular version) -
Revelation - People's Bible Commentary
by Wayne Mueller -
Worthy Is the Lamb
By Rodney L. Rathmann, Julene Dumit, and Dale E. Griffin
God's Word for Today series (Bible study) -
The Lutheran Study Bible
The notes accompanying the book of Revelation are tremendously helpful.
Read an Old Testament prophecy of Alexander the Great's accomplishments
Daniel 8:1-8, 15-22 -
What did Alexander have to do with Greek becoming the universal language of the Roman Empire and, ultimately, the New Testament?
Read Dr. James W. Voelz' Concordia Theological Quarterly article: "The Linguistic Milieu of the Early Church" -
Read an in-depth biography of Alexander the Great.
Read the eyewitness account of Jewish historian Josephus.
Learn about the Roman celebration after the victory.
How did the Roman emperors become involved in religion?
Read about the Nazareth Inscription - its translation, commentary and date.
Find out more about the historical context of the Nazareth Inscription.
About an inscription forbidding people to take bodies out of tombs. -
Julius Caesar
Roman leader who sought to turn the Roman republic into an empire -
Julius Caesar
An eyewitness portrait of Julius Caesar -
Caesar Augustus
Emperor at the time of Jesus' birth -
Emperor at the time of Jesus' death and resurrection -
In John's day, many Romans feared Nero would rise from the dead and come out of exile with a multitude from the east to attack the empire. Some scholars think John referred to this legend in Revelation 13:3. -
First emperor to carry out empire-wide persecution of Christians
Nero's Persecution of Christians
Perpetua - a Martyr's Story
This is the story of a young woman martyred for her Christian faith. -
Read some accounts of current persecution from Voice of the Martyrs.
Revelation's 1,000 years
A Lutheran Response to the Left Behind Series
This document from the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations discusses the Left Behind series. -
Bible Study Companion to A Lutheran Response to the "Left Behind" Series
The CTCR wrote this study guide to accompany the above document. -
The End Times: A Study of Eschatology and Millennialism
This link takes you to the LCMS Document Libary Google search page. From there, click on "The End Times: A Study of Eschatology and Millennialism," and it will allow you to view the PDF "THE END TIMES: A Study on Eschatology and Millennialism."