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Joseph: Carpenter of Steel

By: Rev. Gregory Seltz

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - The man driving the Christmas story in this Bible study is none other than Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus. Join us as host Rev. Gregory Seltz, Speaker for The Lutheran Hour, sheds light on one of the New Testament's unsung heroes in Joseph: Carpenter of Steel. Adding historical perspective to this study is scholar and best-selling author Dr. Paul L. Maier.

Joseph is a man appointed by God to do extraordinary things. Written by LHM's Theological Editor and Writer Pastor Wayne Palmer, this four-part study examines the fascinating life and times of this New Testament "average Joe" in rich and absorbing detail. "In researching and writing this Bible study my respect and admiration for our Savior's foster-father has grown amazingly," Palmer said.

It might be hard to swallow that your betrothed is with child-and by the Holy Spirit no less. But that would be only the first of many things Joseph would have to deal with. Beyond that bombshell, there was the inconvenient trek to Bethlehem with the pregnant Mary to fulfill the census, finding a suitable place for the baby to be born, later trekking down to Egypt to escape Herod's homicidal directive and, finally, the no-little matter of raising the Son of God!

Enhancing this Bible study are more than 50 Internet links. These provide historical and cultural details on things like Augustus' census, the birthplace of Jesus, the wise men, the lunacy of Herod the Great, extra-biblical stories about Joseph, the question of Jesus' brothers and sisters, and more.

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