Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann
The universe, God's will, speaking the Christ story, true human fulfillment, God's Law, the point of it all-these are some of the ideas in Pastor Joel Biermann's explorative video Bible study. In six sessions, he takes us from the beginning to that place where, on the Last Day, we find our greatest realization as humans.
It's essentially about us being God's creatures, redeemed by Christ and restored through faith. Our role is to fulfill God's place for us within His creation.
God's Law involves the ordering and function of His creation throughout the universe. Our sin perverts our grasp and understanding of God's will for His creation.
Accepting that God is in charge in all things is not a popular idea among modern man. God's purposes will be accomplished and His creatures thrive best when living coherently within His design.
We are all here to do what God put us here to do. Though our vocations are many, church work does not supersede family responsibilities and other necessary obligations. We fit into God's creation and His scheme of things, not vice versa.
God's law is good, His will for His people is that they speak the Gospel message and share the life of Jesus Christ with others. Proclamation is paramount, not optional.
The Last Day fulfills God's will for the earth and its creatures; it doesn't conclude world history but redeems and restores this planet. The point of our lives is to live as God's creatures.