Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources
God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.
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Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School (DVD Vol. 4)... About the Period of the Kings
This is the fourth disc in the series as Bruce Wurdeman continues to take you on adventures, explaining them in a way you've never heard them before.
Looking for the individual videos and guides? Click here to watch online or download.

Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School (DVD Vol. 3)... About Joshua, Judges and Ruth
Third disc in the series. Join Bruce as he continues to amaze you with the stuff your teacher never told you about.
Looking for the individual videos and guides? Click here to watch online or download.

Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School (DVD Vol. 2) ... About The Exodus!
Second Disc in the series. If only Sunday school was like this!
Looking for the individual videos and guides? Click here to watch online or download.

Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School (DVD Vol. 1)... About Genesis!
The first DVD of the series. Now available-Sunday school lessons that are more scripturally nutritional than ever!
Looking for the individual videos and guides? Click here to watch online or download.