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Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.

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We the People: Citizens of Two Kingdoms
By: Dr. Dale Meyer

Politics and politicians -- there's seemingly no way to escape them. Though government and those who govern are often criticized by press and citizen alike, it is through government that God works His designs in this world. Join host Dr. Dale Meyer as he surveys government in history, the character of the United States as a nation, and the Christian's role as a citizen of any country.

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Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann

The universe, God's will, speaking the Christ story, true human fulfillment, God's Law, the point of it all-these are some of the ideas in Pastor Joel Biermann's explorative video Bible study. In six sessions, he takes us from the beginning to that place where, on the Last Day, we find our greatest realization as humans.

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Winning the Race
By: Chris Schneider

(Includes subtitles in English) - Just as athletes compete to win, so do we in the human arena. The contestants we battle, however, are frequently ourselves, our circumstances, and struggles we wage against the powers of darkness in this fallen world. While our personal scorecard may reveal a lackluster performance, God wants each of us to take the ultimate prize -- the crown of life -- already won for us by Jesus Christ.

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Working For the Man Upstairs - Your Job... Your Calling... Your Life!
By: Rev. Tim Radkey

Is it work you're looking for or a chance to serve God? Can they be one and the same? Join us as we consider Working for the Man Upstairs, the newest Men's NetWork Bible study. See how our jobs-no matter what they might be-are a conduit through which God's work is done in this world.

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