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Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.

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Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood
By: Rev. Kurt Klaus

(Includes subtitles in English) A five centuries-old man building a huge boat on the startling news of coming floodwaters - sounds like the makings of one remarkable story. It is. Jump in and get your feet wet with Noah: The Man, The Ark, The Flood, the latest Bible study from the Men's NetWork.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Called (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler

Nurturing Your Faith: Called is a four-session Bible study based on Ephesians. Individual sessions look at how we are called by God, called to faith, called to service, and called to share. Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Dr. Mike Zeigler gives a video introduction to all four sessions. Reflection questions are included.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies

Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness is a four-part Bible study looks at forgiveness. It considers how our first sin required God's pardon in order to re-establish the broken God-man relationship caused by our original rebellion. Along the way, it looks at how God works through the forgiveness we seek and offer in our lives, and it reminds us that where there is love mercy can triumph.

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Nurturing Your Faith: God In Worship (Single Session study)
By: Rev. Dr. Jason Broge

In Nurturing Your Faith: God in Worship, we see how God's presence is integral to His relationship with believers. This presence came to us fully in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and who, today, is present with us when we come together to worship.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Identity (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. John Nunes

Our identity as forgiven children of God is explored in Nurturing Your Faith: Identity. This four-part Bible study is written and video hosted by Rev. Dr. John Nunes. He examines how as Christians-forgiven for Jesus' sake-we are reconciled to God. Reborn to fellowship and active community, we are inspired to praise God for His great love.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Life Together (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Dr. Dale Meyer

In Nurturing Your Faith: Life Together, Dr. Dale Meyer examines the believer's life in four sessions. Using 1 Peter's instructions on Christ-centered conduct and service, Meyer's study stresses the need to live like Jesus for others yet resist the world around us. Reflection questions prompt users to respond in their own words.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Patient Urgency (Complete with all 5 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler

When we share Jesus with others, we're eager-urgent even-to speak the Good News. However, we do understand the need for patience in how others receive the Gospel in their lives. In Nurturing Your Faith: Patient Urgency, we will learn via Mark's Gospel about a map, a means, and a model for having healthy spiritual conversations with others.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Patient Urgency - Session Five (of 5): Suspended Endings
By: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler

The possibility of God inviting us into His Word to consider it from a different angle is the theme of Nurturing Your Faith: Suspended Endings. Here a comparison is made between Virgil's Aeneid with its abrupt ending and the much debated ending of Mark 16. Does Mark's ending unsettle the reader if verses 9-20 aren't added? Or does it spur readers on to learn what happened next, inviting them into the dilemma, urging them to question the narrative's meaning?

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Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer(Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Don Everts

The Bible study Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer is a four-session series exploring the role of different types of prayer in the believer's life. Prayers of intercession, gratitude, confession, and praise are considered in various scriptural settings by highlighting a particular prayer's context, who offered it, and why. An opening video featuring Rev. Don Everts prefaces each session and gives context to what follows.

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Nurturing Your Faith: Spoken (Single Session study)
By: Rev. Dr. Jason Broge

Through spoken words of the Creator, nothing became something; through spoken words of the Son, demons scattered, winds died down and sickness disappeared; through our spoken words, the Gospel advances, relationships are mended, and people experience forgiveness. In this study, we will discover the power of spoken words in God's mission in the world.

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