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Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources

God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.

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A Man Named Martin - Part 1: The Man

(Includes subtitles in English) In A Man Named Martin - Part 1: The Man viewers encounter a 15th-century religious reformer from Germany who broke ranks with the Catholic Church. This Bible study is the first of a three-part series devoted to Martin Luther -- a monk whose Spirit-inspired grasp of God's justification of sinners through faith in the Savior was the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation.

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A Man Named Martin - Part 2: The Moment

(Includes subtitles in English) A Man Named Martin-Part 2: The Moment examines the errant teachings and wayward traditions of the Late Medieval Church that eventually sparked the Protestant Reformation, a theological overhaul set in motion most notably by Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg.

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A Man Named Martin - Part 3: The Movement

(Includes subtitles in English) From Luther's 95 Theses in 1517 to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, God was at work in the Reformation. Fierce debates over Scripture, church doctrine, and late medieval church practice led to theological positions articulating salvation as God's grace in action, with man being left to add nothing to his own salvation. In A Man Named Martin - Part 3: The Movement, viewers will see how the Reformation transformed European society and, eventually, left a profound impression around the globe.

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Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
By: Craig Parton, Esq.

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Biblical criticism, ancient historical voices, the illumination of archaeology, the testimony of first-century followers of Jesus Christ -- all these come to bear on the examination of the reliability of the Scriptures in The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.

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Called to Serve: Utilizing Our Gifts As Veterans
By: Michael Zeigler, S T Williams, and Steven Hokana

Called to Serve: Utilizing Our Gifts As Veterans is a five-session small group Bible study for veterans. Together, veterans will join to discover their gifts, learn how to grow their gifts, and make a plan for sharing their gifts as a group and in their individual lives.

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Colt McCoy: A Father, A Son, and Football (Profiles Beyond the Spotlight Series)
By: Chris Schneider

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - In the high-stakes, big-money world of NFL football, players who boldly proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ are not the norm. Then again, Colt McCoy is not your typical player. In Colt McCoy: A Father, A Son, and Football, the Cleveland Browns' quarterback puts his service and commitment to God at the front of the line-even when the going gets tough.

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Death... Then What?
By: Rev. Michael Newman

That we all die is pretty much agreed upon, it's what takes place two seconds later that makes us wonder. Explore this lively and completely relevant topic in Death ... Then What?

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Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation
By: Rev. Ken Klaus

Nobody said demons, plagues, and an appointment with Armageddon would be fun, but it doesn't have to be feared-at least not for the Christian. Check out our Bible study, Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation, gives both insight-and encouragement to those who follow "the bright Morning Star."

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Facing Disaster Like A Man
By: Rev. Kurt Klaus

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Disasters! Life's catastrophes come in many shapes and sizes, and their unwelcome intrusion leaves us reeling. Grief, profound uncertainty and -- not infrequently -- more questions than can reasonably be answered, rise from its wake. In this devastation, the heart is drawn to look for answers human reason cannot provide.

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Fatherhood - with Joel Biermann
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann

(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Fatherhood is more than providing half the genetic material at conception; it's being there for the long haul. In Fatherhood with Joel Biermann the Concordia Seminary professor and dad relates how being a father is a demanding pursuit with a heavenly goal-raising kids who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

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