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About the Author

Rev. Kurt Klaus

Rev. Kurt Klaus graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and is the Senior Pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Mounds View, MN. He has served previously as a Lutheran high school and middle school teacher, a mission pastor, a police chaplain, and a zone Pastoral Advisor for LWML.

He is currently the Pastoral Advisor for MN South District LLL and is leading a Pastoral Learning Community for the MN South District. He has also written and hosted a video Bible study series called ENGAGE for Concordia Publishing House and has hosted video Bible studies for Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Pastor Klaus is married to Jodi Klaus and they have a wonderful son by the name of Braeden. Jodi is a waitress and loves reading. Braeden loves sports and history.

Bible Studies by Rev. Kurt Klaus:
Facing Disaster Like A Man
Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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