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About the Author

Dr. Joel D. Biermann

Joel Biermann graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1987 and served as a parish pastor for 11 years, the majority of those at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Holt, Michigan. In the parish, Biermann enjoyed leading a ministry focused on evangelism and Christian growth in sanctification and discipleship. In 1998, he returned to Concordia Seminary to pursue a doctoral degree in systematic theology. Since completing that degree in 2002, he has served on the faculty of the seminary as associate professor of systematic theology. He has participated in the production of a number of original Bible studies for the Men's Network, Concordia Publishing House and his congregation. In 2011 his book, Courageous Fathers of the Bible, was published. He has penned several academic essays, as well. He and his wife, Jeannalee, have three children; they make their home in St. Louis, Missouri.

Bible Studies by Dr. Joel D. Biermann:
Fatherhood - with Joel Biermann
Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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