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Speaking of JESUS

Speaking of JESUS


September 20, 2020: Episode 61 | Speaking of Loud Tables

The message that sparked the conversation ... I Stand at the Door.

Where does your family do its best talking? Around the kitchen table, card table, picnic table? Spiritual conversations can happen anywhere, but gathering at a table seems to set the environment. Join us as we discuss!

Discussion Questions

  1. When do you have your best conversations as a household?

  2. What are the factors that help us have meaningful conversations (food, activity, time of day, location)?

  3. Read Luke 24:13-35 aloud together as a household. What was a word or phrase that stays with you? Why did it stay with you?

  4. What do you get to know more deeply about Jesus as a conversationalist in this scene?

  5. What do you want to say to people about Jesus?

  6. What's one thing you could do to invite more spiritual conversations in your household?

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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